Breakthrough medication support for better health through the power of people, science, and technology.
Peer-reviewed publications, clinical trials, case studies and other content on all things med adherence.
We're the company that's solving the decades-old problem of medication nonadherence.
Peer Reviewed Study
Helping kids with sickle cell disease adhere to hydroxyurea: Study protocol for ADHERE (Applying Directly observed therapy to HydroxyurEa to Realize Effectiveness): Using small business partnerships to deliver a scalable and novel hydroxyurea adherence
Engaging Adolescent Heart Transplant Recipients Through In-App Messaging During Mobile Health Intervention
Workload, Usability, and Engagement with a Mobile App Supporting Video Observation of Methadone Take-Home Dosing: Usability Study
"Sign Me Up": a qualitative study of video observed therapy (VOT) for patients receiving expedited methadone take-homes during the COVID-19 pandemic
Patient-Centred Models of Hepatitis C Treatment for People Who Inject Drugs: a Multicentre, Pragmatic Randomised Trial
Feasibility of Video Observed Therapy to Support Controller Inhaler Use Among Children in West Baltimore
Tuberculosis Treatment Adherence in the Era of COVID-19
Acceptability, feasibility, and outcomes of a clinical pilot program for video observation of methadone take-home dosing during the COVID-19 pandemic
Directly observed therapy to promote medication adherence in adolescent heart transplant recipients
Programmatic Adoption and Implementation of Video-Observed Therapy in Minnesota: Prospective Observational Cohort Study
Remotely delivered incentives to promote buprenorphine treatment engagement in out-of-treatment adults with opioid use disorder
Real-world implementation of video-observed therapy in an urban TB program in the United States
Directly observed therapy to promote medication adherence in paediatric heart transplant recipients
Adherence to Direct-Acting Antiviral Therapy in People Actively Using Drugs and Alcohol: The INCLUD Study
Video directly observed therapy intervention using a mobile health application among opioid use disorder patients receiving office-based buprenorphine treatment: protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial
Acceptability and Feasibility of a Mobile Health Application for Video Directly Observed Therapy of Buprenorphine for Opioid Use Disorders in an Office-based Setting
Acceptability and Feasibility of a Behavioral and Mobile Health Intervention (COMBIND) Shown to Increase Uptake of Pevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) Care in India
Rationale and design of a randomized pragmatic trial of patient-centered models of hepatitis C treatment for people who inject drugs: The HERO study
Evaluation of miLINC to Shorten Time to Treatment for Rifampicin-resistant Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
Use of Smartphone-Based Video Directly Observed Therapy (vDOT) in Tuberculosis Care: Single-Arm, Prospective Feasibility Study
A Multidimensional Electronic Hydroxyurea Adherence Intervention for Children With Sickle Cell Disease: Single-Arm Before-After Study
Provider and Patient Perspectives on Barriers to Buprenorphine Adherence and the Acceptability of Video DOT to Enhance Adherence
Advancing Patient-Centered Care in TB Management: A Mixed-Methods Appraisal of Video DOT
Notes from the Field: Use of Asynchronous Video DOT for Treatment of TB and Latent TB Infection in a Long-Term–Care Facility ― Puerto Rico, 2016–2017
Notes from the Field: Tuberculosis Control Activities After Hurricane Harvey - Texas, 2017