
"Growing up deaf was hard, and then I was diagnosed with diabetes."

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September 18, 2024

Introduce yourself!

"Hello, this is Jonathan. I was born completely deaf and noticed, really all my family was hearing. So that was kind of challenging growing up. Everyone around me could hear except for me. I had met my one friend at school, he was a classmate and their mom was deaf. So, you know, that was, it was kind of cool to meet her. She really turned my attitude around. And then it was just last year I got diagnosed with diabetes and high blood pressure."

Meet Jonathan!

How did you feel when you got that diagnosis of having diabetes? Did it come just as a bit of a shock?

"I was definitely surprised. I mean, I understood it, but there was diabetes in my family—you know, my dad, my two brothers. My sister was pretty close, I guess, pre-diabetic. So when I got it, I was surprised, but I understood. It was definitely challenging at first to get used to it, but I feel like I’m good now. I’ve gotten the hang of it, and I’m doing fine.

About a month ago, I was out walking, and my back started to spasm. I usually walk about two miles, but this time after just a half mile, I felt like I should stop, so I came back home. My roommate said it’s important to be careful, so I decided to stay in the home and do some exercises there. I don’t want to risk falling or being far from help. Just trying to stay positive and figure out solutions."

What would be one piece of advice you would give someone?

"I think the most important thing is paying attention to your health. It’s easy to brush it off, but it can quickly get out of control. Taking your medication on time, monitoring yourself, and staying regular with your doctor is really important. You’ve just got to stay on top of it. I make sure to get refills before I run out, stay active, and stay positive. It’s easy to complain, but staying positive is key."

How did you find out about the program?

"I was recommended the program by my insurance and I was like, sure, I’ll give it a shot. As I got more involved, I think it’s a great thing to be part of. I’m really enjoying it. The care team have been great with uh adding support and providing tips Yeah, they're very very encouraging and supportive, and you know, sometimes they'll give me different suggestions on tweaking different things or making adjustments."

If someone was hesitant to join the program, what would you tell them?

"I’d say it’s great to have more support and encouragement. The program helps you get into good habits, which is so much of the battle with managing health. It’s all about staying on top of yourself, and this program really helps with that."

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