
When high is too high: Deidre’s wake-up call with her high blood pressure

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October 10, 2024

Deidre's Journey with Hypertension

Deidre was diagnosed with hypertension over ten years ago, but she didn’t take it seriously. She ignored her medication and started experiencing scary symptoms like a racing heart and feeling unwell every day. Despite the warning signs, she still skipped her blood pressure medicine. “I was having heart palpitations and all kinds of issues, but I wasn’t taking my meds,” she admits. It all caught up with her, and she struggled with basic daily activities.

Things changed when Deidre joined Scene Health. At first, she didn’t want to participate because she didn’t like the idea of being on screen. “I said no several times, but finally, I decided to give it a chance,” she says. Now, she’s happy she did.

Since joining the program, Deidre has stuck to her medication schedule and seen huge improvements in her health. “My blood pressure was up and down for a while, even with my meds,” she explains. It wasn’t until her doctor adjusted her prescription by adding hydrochlorothiazide that things finally stabilized. She’s proud to share that her recent readings were 110/85 with a pulse of 95—numbers she’s thrilled about.

Through Scene Health, Deidre received tips on managing her condition, from using a blood pressure cuff to making small lifestyle changes. The support of the nurses and health coaches kept her on track, and now she’s finishing the program feeling healthier than ever. “I take my medicine every day now. They helped me build a routine, and I’m grateful.”

Deidre’s message to others is simple: “Take your medication if you want to live and stay healthy. You only get one heart, and one body. Take care of it while you have it.”

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