Asthma 101: Parenting tips for children with asthma
As a parent, you are your child’s first and most important teacher. When it comes to controlling their asthma, you can help them understand and manage their symptoms. Here are a few tips to get you started.
For help making a plan and more tips on how to help your child with asthma stay healthy, get in touch with your Scene nurse by self enrolling, calling us at (410) 348-1905 or sending us an email.
Learn about asthma
It’s important for you to understand how asthma hurts your child’s lungs, the triggers that bring an attack, and the treatments and medications that keep your child healthy. Once you understand, you can be their teacher. What is Asthma?
Learn your child’s patterns
Asthma is different in every child. What makes your child’s asthma symptoms better or worse? When you know, you can help protect them from triggers and be prepared to treat attacks.
1. What happens before their asthma gets worse? These are triggers to avoid.
2. What do the first signs of an asthma attack look like? Coughs, wheezes, sleepiness, or grumpiness…if you notice these changes, you can be ready with the treatments the doctor prescribed.
3. When are asthma attacks more common? Outside at soccer practice? After a playdate with a friend who has cats? When your child has a cold? When the weather changes?
Pre-school and Elementary School-aged children
Teach your child early about how lungs and breathing work and how asthma makes their lungs and breathing different. Explain how medications work and when to use them. There are many resources for different ages.
1. Use this information to work with your provider to fill out your child’s asthma action plan.
2. Help your child learn about their asthma and what special care will keep them healthy.
Learn how to support your teen
As your child grows, they’ll become more independent. As a parent, you will begin to hand off control of their asthma to them.
1. Check-in with your child’s understanding of how to manage their asthma with this short quiz.
2. Schedule a visit with their provider to go over their new responsibilities and changes and what to do if their symptoms get worse (sometimes, hearing it from the provider helps).
3. Be ready to let them spread their wings while being ready to catch them. Regularly check to make sure they are taking their medications as prescribed and look for increased symptoms, then step as needed to keep your child on track.
As your teen becomes an adult, they may need more resources and your support in making the change from a pediatrician to a new provider. Things that were on your list, like filling prescriptions on time, making appointments, and making the call to go in for emergency care, will gradually transfer to your now adult child. A solid foundation in what asthma is, how to care for yourself when you have asthma, and what to do when symptoms flare up will put your child in a good place to care for themselves over a long and healthy life.
The content on this site is not and should not be considered medical advice or a substitute for individual medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should always talk to your health care provider(s) for diagnosis and treatment, including information regarding which drugs, therapy, or other treatment may be appropriate for you. Learn more here.